blocks and barriers

At Permacrete we have a large range of blocks and barriers of all shapes and sizes, whether you need log-stops, traffic barriers or blocks to build a bunker, we have it covered. If we haven’t got what you need we can make it!


These solid concrete robust barriers weigh over 5 tonnes!! They are ideal for log yards to stack logs against, keeping the place tidy, safe and looking great.


T blocks 

T blocks are ideal for making bins and bunkers, they are laid out in the desired size or shape on a level pad and then a concrete floor is poured to key them all together. We have two sizes available 2.0m high x 2.4m wide and 1.5m high x 2.4m wide.


L Blocks

Permacretes L Blocks can be made in any size you need up to 3.4m wide, 3m high and 1.2m foot.

silage bin L Block (3)

New Jersey style Traffic Barriers

These popular traffic barriers look great and are ideal for permanent and temporary traffic diversions weighing 1.2 tonnes each.

traffic barrier traffic barrier 1

Mass Blocks

These solid concrete Mass Blocks weigh 2.4 tonnes each, making them an ideal anchor or tie-down point, or a solid bunker/division wall.

mass block mass block